Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trip to Idaho/West Yellowstone

Okay I didn't take a whole lot of pictures on our trip to idaho. We had a family reunion in Rexburg, which was super fun. I saw a lot of family that I haven't seen in a while. It was at my Grandpa's house and we just hung out, played volleyball, had fires and roasted mallows. It was good to see everyone. Hopefully I can get some pictures from my parents.
We also spent some time in West Yellowstone watching my brother at the Playmill theatre. We go every summer and I love it- I look forward to it every year. I don't know what I was thinking by not taking pictures! Cameron did SO good- he was Curly in Oklahoma. We also saw Hello Dolly.
On Saturday my Dad and Uncle Scott ran in the Mesa Falls marathon. Its a fun marathon to watch because you can drive along the trail and cheer them on along the way. Since all of our family was there that weekend for the marathon there was a lot of us. At one point I counted 9 cars following them. We'd drive ahead about a mile and wait for them, cheer when they came, then drive ahead and do it again. My uncle scott had matching shirts made that we all wore. They did so good and we were so proud of them!
I know he was thinking in this one "get that camera out of my face!" Ha ha
Uncle Scott showing off with his shirt off. He would dance for us- i think the running made him a little loopy
Mom, Cam, Jonny, Me- in our matching shirts

Jonny and the girl cousins who loved him! Notice all of the cars in the back that were following dad and scott.

Dad- almost there!
Finally, the finish line! My brother and Jonny ran the last mile with my dad. Some of the little cousins did too. On the last block we all ran with them- it was really cool! There was probably 20 of us running with the 2 of them. Seeing the finish line really makes you want to run a marathon- but its crazy, I don't think I ever could. I respect the people who do it though. good job dad and scott!