Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our cute dog!

So this is the process we go through everyday- two or three times a day. We wrap Cubby up in a towel and sneak him out to the car. I've got it down pretty good and Cubby is so good when he's hiding, he must know whats going on. I wonder if people see me and wonder what I'm always carrying in the purple towel.... but oh well. Only a few more months!

The other day I found a bunch of Cubs stuff at Wal-mart. I couldn't resist it! We got him this cute shirt, a cubs coller and leash. He's so cute in it. I know, I know... I talk about him like he's my baby, don't make fun!

We officially started our obedience class this last week at Petsmart. He's really good with people, but for some reason cannot stand other dogs (other than his girlfriend Maddy, whom he gets along with great). He barks and growls and tries to attack them. So hopefully after some classes we can fix that. It makes me feel better to see other dogs in the class that have bigger issues than him :)


Rachel said...

oh man.. that would be such a bother with sneaking!! You guys NEED to come home!! :) Do it for Cubby's sake! :)