On the beach at Lake Michigan... ... a little different from the beach in San Diego. (they really do have a little beach, we're just standing on the rocks). The lake is HUGE, it really just seems like the ocean but without the big waves. You can't see anything but water!

Last night we drove to downtown - it is AMAZING! It is the coolest city, there are so many cool buildings and bridges. some of the city is on the water, its really neat. Unfortunately, once we got by the lake it got really foggy so we didn't really get any good pictures of the skyline. The tall building is the Sears tower, it is seriously the biggest building ever. I just look at it and imagine how tall the twin towers were and I can't comprehend it!

This picture is really blurry- but we're by the pirate ship.

Ha Jonny reminds me of a little kid in this picture. This is how foggy it was- we couldn't see in front of us! I was sad because I wanted to see all the city lights, but we couldn't!

Navy Pier- It is huge and so fun! They have tons of shops, places to eat, carnival rides, boat tours, etc. So much to do and so lively!

I thought this was a cool pic- it was so foggy that the lights were all reflecting. One day we'll go on the ferris wheel, when we can actually enjoy the view!

These were the funnest mirrors! Sorry you can't see them very good, it was getting dark and i couldn't use my flash to take them.

Navy Pier- again its a little dark, but it was such a fun atmosphere I wanted to show everyone!

Us at the entrance of Navy Pier.
We're having so much fun! We haven't been able to do a lot because of Jonny's crazy work schedule, but I guess that just makes us cherish the fun times we have. Chicago really is a neat place and I'm loving the opportunity we have to live here for a little bit! Oh ya- I tried to get Oprah tickets the other day and was unsuccessful :( I tried ALL DAY! There is only one day a month that they open the phone lines for the following month. So last week they opened the tickets for October- the last month we'll be here. So it was my only chance. I tried all day and just got the busy signal. Now I believe people when they say they try to years to get tickets! Maybe one day.....
It looks like you guys are having so much fun. Jonny called Jo and is trying to talk him into going on a cruise. I will start saving our pennies so maybe we can go.
Man, you guys are just everywhere! What is Jonny doing there? Are you working? Hope its all well, you guys seem to be doing well and I am so glad! Take care!
Funner! I love Carnival-like atmospheres! he he and I do love Fog! Maybe its cuz I was born in Chicago huh? Im glad you are having fun...not working like me and being a complete bum! I mean who has an entire day to devote to Oprah?
That Pier looks so fun! What are you guys doing in Chicago?
Ash I am so excited for you two! what a great experience you are having. so we started a blog:) ha i decided to get on the bandwagon check it out austandjess.blogspot. and I am so sad you couldn't make to Oprah (my hero) but look how close you are.
wow... who knew there was so much to do in Chicago!!
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